Carson Sobolewski

Undergraduate Student, UF ECE


I’m a fourth year undergraduate Computer Engineering student at UF ECE, advised by Dr. Domenic Forte and Dr. Ivan Ruchkin in the Florida Institute for National Security (FINS) and Trustworthy Engineered Autonomy (TEA) Lab, respectively.

I’ve previously participated in the University Scholars Program and am currently a part of the AI Scholars Program through the UF Center for Undergraduate Research. This summer, I had the opportunity to work under Dr. Navid Azizan at MIT LIDS through the MIT Summer Research Program (MSRP).

My research interests lie at the intersection between uncertainty quantification and autonomous systems. Ultimately, I aim to help create autonomous systems that are robust, reliable, and intelligent. More specifically, I aim to develop robotic systems that are capable of recognizing their own uncertainty, localizing it to specific sensors and forms of input, and adapt accordingly at run time.

In FINS, I have worked on automated reverse engineering of circuit boards (PCBs) from X-ray CT images, as well as explainability for Variational Autoencoder (VAE)-based counterfeit component detection. In the TEA Lab, I have worked on calibrated safety chance prediction for image-based control of autonomous vehicles using conformal prediction, as well as distribution shift correction and unsupervised domain adaptation for corrupted images in vision settings using Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs). At MIT, I helped develop Object-level Calibration Error (OCE), a metric to determine the reliable subset of predictions in Detection Transformers (DETRs).

Following my graduation in Spring 2025, I intend to pursue a PhD and continue my research on uncertainty quantification and reliable autonomous systems.

selected publications

* denotes equal contribution.
  1. detr.png
    Identifying Reliable Predictions in Detection Transformers
    Young-Jin Park*Carson Sobolewski*, and Navid Azizan
    Under Review at IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2025
  2. pcb.png
    A Framework for PCB Design File Reconstruction from X-ray CT Annotations
    Carson Sobolewski, David Koblah, and Domenic Forte
    Under Review at International Symposium on Quality Electronic Design (ISQED), 2025
  3. car.png
    How Safe Am I Given What I See? Calibrated Prediction of Safety Chances for Image-Controlled Autonomy
    Zhenjiang Mao, Carson Sobolewski, and Ivan Ruchkin
    In Learning for Dynamics & Control (L4DC) Conference, 2024