Classes I've helped to instruct.
- EGN4912: Reliable and Safe Autonomous Racing (Assistant Instructor/Mentor):
- I helped lead a team of first-year students to build an F1TENTH autonomous race car and design control algorithms for it. Students had little experience with programming and Python, but were able to autonomously race cars by the end of the semester using PID control and the follow-the-gap algorithm. Students learned how to use Python and interface directly with ROS2 and Linux operating systems on Jetson Xavier development boards.
- EEL4744C: Microprocessor Applications (Undergraduate Peer Instructor):
- I served as an undergraduate peer instructor (UPI) for microprocessor applications, conducting lab sections and holding office hours to help students success in what is often regarded as one of the most difficult ECE classes. Taught around 90 students the functional and technological characteristics of microprocessor structures, memory components, peripheral support devices, and interface logic. Through laboratory experiments and examples with Atmel AVR XMEGA microprocessors, taught students how to integrate and apply microcomputer subsystems and components to common interfacing problems.